Thanks for purchasing our products at

In order to be eligible for a refund, you have to apply for a return of the product within 3 business days of the delivery date to receive a replacement. The product must be in the same condition that you received it and undamaged in any way. Please contact us before applying and return. Our support team will analyze your request and provide you with a request form.

After we receive your item, our team of professionals will inspect it and process your refund. The money will be refunded to the original payment method you used during the purchase. For credit card payments it may take 5 to 10 business days for a refund to show up on your credit card statement.

  • Carefully inspect the contents for any physical defects or shipping damage
  • Verify that you received the correct products
  • Damaged merchandise is required to be reported within 3 business days of the delivery date to receive a replacement.

Customers are responsible for return postage. Original shipping charges, customs fees, and import taxes are non-refundable

If anything is unclear or you have more questions feel free to contact our customer support team.